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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Resizing Excel Radio Button's Font

Someone asked me today on how to change the size of radio button's font. In this kind of situation, the first thing that comes to mind is to use the font resizing function for the cells. But, you can not use it to a form control like the radio button.

To change the font size of a form control, right click on the radio button and choose "Properties" in the pop-up menu that appears. The properties window will be displayed as shown in the screen shot below:

Click the 3-dot button at the rightmost portion of the "Font" property. The font window will appear and therefore you can change the radio button's font. The font window looks like the following figure:

After choosing the size you desire, click the "Ok" button.

You're done.

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Unknown said...

Wow!!! thank u very much for all this information. Keep on supplying such useful information. It really is interesting.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the post. The control you're adjusting though is an ActiveX Control, yes?
Is there any way to modify the text font on a standard form control radio button?